Garage Door Hurricane / Wind Code Requirements

Master Garage Door Co. • March 21, 2023
Hillsborough County, FL Garage Door Hurricane / Wind Code Requirements

Florida has specific hurricane codes for garage doors, which are designed to help protect homes and buildings from hurricane-force winds and wind-borne debris. Here are a few of the main requirements.

1. Wind Resistance: Garage doors must meet certain wind resistance requirements based on their location within the state. For example, in Hillsborough County, garage doors must withstand winds of up to 140 mph.

2. Anchoring: Garage doors must be securely anchored to the surrounding structure to help prevent them from being blown off during a hurricane.

3. Inspection and Certification: All new garage doors installed in Florida must be inspected and certified as meeting the state and local hurricane codes.

It is important to ensure that your garage door meets Florida's hurricane codes to help protect your home and family during a hurricane or tropical storm. If you need to replace your garage door, make sure to choose one that is rated for your area. It is also important to have your garage door inspected by a professional to ensure that it is properly installed and meets all code requirements.

All new garage doors in Florida require permitting through their local county or municipality.

It is essential to make sure your garage door meets all hurricane code requirements to help protect your home and family from potential storm damage.

Checking Your Garage Door Safety Sensors
By Master Garage Door Co. May 9, 2023
Does your garage door go back up after it starts to close when you push the button to close the garage door? Your garage door safety sensors could be to blame.
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